"A Very Wonderful Person"

Gracy Jones; A wonderful mother and an outstanding nurse!
ABOUT GRACY: Gracy Jones was a loving wife, mother, nurse and homemaker. She loved cooking and helping to raise her grand children. Gracy, we love you and miss you very much, but we know that you're with God now.

Gracy Spent Most Of Her Life In Richmond VA.
For More Information About Gracy PH#: (703) 580-7154

Life Celebration Timeline For Gracy E. Jones:
Name Location Begin Date End Date Certification
Born & Raised Richmond VA 1935 1946
College William & Mary Williamsburg VA 1946 1950
Nurse Emanual Hall Hospital Hampton VA 1950 2005 LPN & RN
Home Maker Richmond VA 2005 2010
Retired Richmond VA 2010 ****

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